Applying Psychological First Aid in the Workplace

Applying Psychological First Aid in the Workplace The workplace can sometimes be a stressful environment. Deadlines, demanding workloads, or unexpected events can leave colleagues feeling overwhelmed or emotionally distressed. This session equips you with the skills to provide Psychological First Aid (PFA), a simple yet effective way to support a colleague in need. Learn how […]
Uncover Your Personal Life Map to Dodge the Mid-Life Crisis

Uncover Your Personal Life Map to Dodge the Mid-Life Crisis Maybe you feel like you’re on autopilot, clearing tasks everyday but not really achieving anything. Maybe you’ve asked yourself, “What’s the point of all this?”. You’re looking for answers, but don’t know how and where to start. This Supercharge session will take you on a […]
Becoming Indistractable: Making Every Moment Count

Becoming Indistractable: Making Every Moment Count Why does it feel like 24 hours in a day is not enough? Like you’re constantly rushing from deadline to deadline with so much on your plate. Perhaps getting easily distracted or procrastinating, whether on social media or Netflix, is holding you back from completing your most important tasks. […]
Build a Presence That Turns Heads

Build a Presence That Turns Heads Contrary to popular belief, charisma is not a unique gift that only some people have and others don’t. Neither do you need to be an extrovert to have it. In fact, the science of charisma is something that anyone can learn and harness. In this Supercharge session, you will breakthrough charisma […]
Unveil the Secrets to Influence People with Difficult Personalities

Unveil the Secrets to Influence People with Difficult Personalities Ever encountered people at work who don’t complete their tasks, blame others for everything, or refuse to consider other perspectives? As much as you try to endure them, you feel more miserable, resentful and frustrated with each passing day. But why should your happiness and wellbeing […]
Mindfulness and Self-Compassion

Mindfulness and Self-Compassion If a good friend told you that they got passed over for a promotion, would you say, “Well, you’re the worst performer and you don’t even know how to suck up to your boss”? Probably not. But strangely, these are things we say to ourselves in such situations. Self-compassion involves treating yourself […]
Crush Your Self-Sabotaging Thoughts To Live An Unstoppable Life

Crush Your Self-Sabotaging Thoughts To Live An Unstoppable Life “I’m seriously not cut out for this job. My boss had to make so many edits.” “My colleagues secretly think I’m incompetent, they’re just trying to be nice to my face.” “I only did well on that project because I got lucky.” If these statements sound […]
The Psychology of Happiness: Letting Go of Happiness To Live A Truly Happy Life

The Psychology of Happiness: Letting Go of Happiness To Live A Truly Happy Life Many of us believe that our desire for more is what makes us happy. We want to be promoted, have more money, accomplish more things and upgrade our lives. But the irony is that desiring more actually makes us more miserable. […]
The Art of Building Deeply Gratifying Relationships

The Art of Building Deeply Gratifying Relationships Ever heard of the statement “co-workers are not your friend”? While we can spend time debating its accuracy, the undeniable truth is that we spend 8 to 10 hours on average or more at work. That’s more than 30% of our life each day, whether we like it […]
Unravel Your Personal Attachment Styles to Transform Your Interactions

Unravel Your Personal Attachment Styles to Transform Your Interactions Did you know that the way you relate to others, developed from early bonds with your parents, plays a huge role in your work relationships and performance? Maybe you find it hard to say no when you’re pressed for time but your colleague asks you to […]