Applying Psychological First Aid in the Workplace

The workplace can sometimes be a stressful environment. Deadlines, demanding workloads, or unexpected events can leave colleagues feeling overwhelmed or emotionally distressed. This session equips you with the skills to provide Psychological First Aid (PFA), a simple yet effective way to support a colleague in need. Learn how to create a safe space, listen actively, and offer practical assistance to help them cope and move forward.

Duration: 90 – 120 mins

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the principles of Psychological First Aid (PFA)
  • Recognize signs of emotional distress in a colleague
  • Create a safe and supportive environment for open communication
  • Apply active listening skills to understand a colleague’s needs
  • Offer practical assistance and connect them with appropriate resources
  • Learn self-care strategies to manage your own emotional well-being

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