The Art of Building Deeply Gratifying Relationships

Ever heard of the statement “co-workers are not your friend”? While we can spend time debating its accuracy, the undeniable truth is that we spend 8 to 10 hours on average or more at work. That’s more than 30% of our life each day, whether we like it or not.

So, how can we turn those interactions with our co-workers into deeply gratifying relationships that provide us with a deep sense of connection, support, and appreciation? Join us as we discuss and share how we can play a part in transforming the workplace into a community for ourselves so that we can feel supported and thrive alongside with others at work.

Duration: 60 – 90 mins

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand what empathy at the workplace is
  • Correct unhelpful communications habits during conversations
  • Acquire active listening skills to attend to others empathically

Want to hold our supercharged sessions to uplift your people?