Leadership Transcendence: A Blueprint to Build a Culture of Positivity and Safety for All

As a leader, you have the power to shape the culture of your organization. Are you tired of seeing your employees stressed and overwhelmed at work? Do you long for a culture that promotes the well-being and safety of all employees? Our Inspiring Positive and Safe Cultures program is here to help you create that culture.

By the end of the program, you’ll have a clear roadmap for creating a positive and safe culture in your organisation, and you’ll have the tools and strategies you need to make it a reality.

Don’t let another day go by without taking control of your culture and the well-being of your employees.

Here's What You'll Get

  1. Discover your leadership style and how it impacts culture

  2. Develop a vision for a positive and safe culture

  3. Create a plan for building a positive and safe culture

  4. Overcome challenges and setbacks

  5. Measure and sustain progress

What's Included in the Programme?

Strengths Profile

Find out what energises and drains you. Learn to shift your perspective about strengths and weakness can help you refocus your energy into the activities that truly matters.

Enneagram Personality Test

Reveal your enneagram personality to make sense of how you perceive the world and manage your emotions. Learn the strengths of your personality and develop strategies to build on areas that can support your leadership journey.

Group Coaching Call with Alastair

Engage with Alastair in a small group coaching to develop your personal life manifesto! Make sense of your strength profile and develop a growth strategy to continue learning and developing yourself as a person.

Meet Your Trainer: Alastair Leo Tan

Alastair holds a Master in Social Science (Professional Counselling) from the Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia and is a Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). He holds certification by ICI (Executive & Life Coach); ACE (Health Coach) and is ACLP qualified.

Alastair majored in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and is also trained in other modalities such as Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Re-decision Therapy, Choice Theory/Reality Therapy, Solution Focused Brief Therapy and Acceptance & Commitment Therapy.

As a professional counsellor, certified coach & adult educator, Alastair strives to help both clients & learners bring forth better versions of themselves so that their lives and those around them can be transformed.

Ready to inspire a positive and safe culture for your team?